Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am going to put Fisher in jail after Daisy Lynn was destroyed because she was accused of her uncle's murder. I think this will make the story more interesting. I can introduce more characters.
I am also going to introduce a Danish prince that runs away with the circus. He's the seventh son of the King, and is a very good acrobat. I am fascinated by magic and circus life. That will be a great element in my story as well.
I will change the residence of the Indian pirate to Goa since it's a beach that's beautiful beyond word's description, and I will exercise my imagination on how blue the ocean is and how pretty the sandy beach is. I will research on the subject.
I am going to introduce Melody Major in an opera house and put in some thrilling action there. You will not be able to doze off in this opera performance, the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I am looking forward to writing this novel because it's so exciting. The characters are taking better shapes in my mind now and I think I know what they look like, what their idiosyncrasies are.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chinese puzzle

Dipping the brush into the ink, Hwang knows that he will draw the map from his memory. The painting that his father gave him showed a magnificent waterfall and mountain, the water runs into a river and people are working on the farms beside the river. Bamboo forest covers one side of the painting, and a small farmhouse stands beside the farm. Chickens are eating out of a hand of a young girl, and her mother is watering the chrysanthemum. The farm is filled with rice, swinging slowly in the wind. There's a well beside the farm and an old woman is filling her bucket. Another woman is washing her clothes. Kids are playing beside the chicken, chasing them, and one of them is flying a kite.
According to the picture, Donovan's treasure is stored in this place, where the waterfall and river runs through the land, farmers working in the fields, kids playing beside the farmhouse. It's a place where nobody goes hungry.